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on Books and Benches

HIGHLAND PRODIGY by Willa Blair - A Reader's Opinion
"Highland Prodigy is a great book, and Aftyn and Jamie are amazing characters."

HIS WHITE WAGER by Tammy Andresen - A Reader's Opinion
"With all these fantastic elements, the author has written an engaging story that will please readers of Regency romance."

SUTTON'S SPINSTER by Scarlett Scott - A Reader's Opinion
"I give this book my personal two snaps and a twist. Until next time my fellow readers… read on!"

PRIDE OF JUSTICE by Andrea K. Stein- A Reader's Opinion
"Rachel and Chris are sweet and charming together . . . when their chance came, the romance blossomed beautifully."

THE RAKE OF HEARTS by Emily Windsor - A Reader's Opinion
"This story kept me turning the pages, and left no room for boredom. For me, this was a very happily ever after love story."

THE HIGHLANDER'S PIRATE LASS by Heather McCollum - A Reader's Opinion
"The Heroine, Eliza, is unlike any character I've encountered before, and I found her fascinating. I loved her strong will and passion."

HER WANTON WHITE by Tammy Andresen - A Reader's Opinion
"All aspects of the book were interesting to me, from the characters' personalities to the suspense surrounding Justice and his family. "

A COWBOY CHRISTMAS LEGEND by Linda Broday - A Reader's Opinion
"I found the story and plot to be caring and refreshing to read, and I was impressed with the amount of entertainment and pure romance."
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