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A Reader's Opinion: EXODUS '95 by Kfir Luzzatto

EXODUS '95 by Kfir Luzzatto


An intriguing blend of action, mystery, and suspense, EXODUS '95 follows the story of Claire, a graphic designer who learns a secret that is more dangerous than she realizes. When it's discovered how Claire's neighbor impressed upon her mind his knowledge, the truth seem dubious, but sound. Her quest collides with Israeli engineer Dan Ze’evi who entered the fray without all the details, but little choice if he wants to save his company. From Italy to Tel Aviv to Cairo, the author traverses the globe at a blistering pace while keeping the reader on the edge. We are given little clues along the way but crave more as the story unfolds. Claire and Dan, both excellent characters with depth, are in a race of discovery for Moses' Biblical staff. Will they survive against the extremists who will stop at nothing to possess or destroy the staff?

EXODUS '95 is well-written, detailed, and entertaining. The author kept up the action-packed pace from the start to finish.


Rating: 4 1/2 Stars | Content Rating: 3 Hearts | Reviewed by: Kaylie Morgan



Claire, a young graphic designer, learns a secret that her dying New York neighbor has kept for twenty years: the whereabouts of Moses' Biblical staff. Claire needs the help of an Israeli engineer and the money of a Russian oligarch to recover the staff before her body betrays her. But first she needs to stay alive in a race with fanatics, who will do anything to keep the staff from coming to light. Then the LORD said to Moses: Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground.


Mystery/Thriller | May 1, 2017 | 225pp | Publisher: Pine Ten

Format Read: E-Book | Source: Provided by the publisher via NetGalley

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